Invited Seminars
Title, Group, Date, Location
2022: Temple University Geology Graduate Seminar invited speaker
2021: Rowan College of South Jersey - STEM Worldwide Classroom guest speaker
2019: Emory & Henry Lyceum - general audience talk about climate change impacts
2019: Invited guest speaker for the Geological Society of Washington in Washington D.C.
2018: Emory & Henry Lyceum - general audience talk about climate change
2017: Invited guest speaker to the University of Camerino, Italy
2014: Guest speaker to the James Madison University Geology Field Camp in County Mayo, Ireland
Conference Presentations
(organize by year)
Barth, Aaron M., Marcott, Shaun A., Licciardi, Joseph M., Shakun, Jeremy D. (2018) Deglacial thinning of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in the Adirondack Mountains, New York, revealed by 36Cl exposure dating, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting Poster Presentation.
Barth, Aaron M., Marcott, Shaun A., Horvath, Alex, Shaun, Jeremy D., Licciardi, Joseph M. (2017) Early deglacial thinning of the Laurentide ice sheet followed by rapid regional deglaciation, Geological Society of America (GSA) Fall Meeting Oral Presentation.
Barth, Aaron M., Clark, Peter U., Clark, Jorie, Marcott, Shaun A., McCabe, A. Marshall, Caffee, Marc W., Cuzzone, Joshua K., Dunlop, Paul (2017) Persistent millennial-scale cirque-glacier fluctuations in Ireland between 24,000 and 10,000 years ago. PAGES Open Science Meeting Oral Presentation.
Barth, Aaron M., Clark, Peter U., Bill, Nicholas S., He, Feng, Pisias, Nicklas G. (2017), Climate evolution across the Mid-Brunhes Transition, PAGES Young Scientists Meeting Poster Presentation.
Barth, Aaron M., Bill, Nicholas S., Clark, Peter U., Pisias, Nicklas G. (2015), Carbon isotopic excursions associated with the mid-Pleistocene Transition and the mid-Brunhes Transition, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting Poster Presentation.
Clark, Peter U., Barth, Aaron M., Pisias, Nicklas (2014), Climate Evolution Across the Mid-Brunhes Transition, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting Poster Presentation.
Barth, Aaron M., Clark, Jorie, Clark, Peter U., Caffee, Marc (2014), Millennial-scale fluctuation in Ireland’s cirque glaciers during the last deglaciation, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting Poster Presentation.
Barth, Aaron M., Clark, Jorie, Clark, Peter U., Caffee, Marc (2014), Millennial-scale fluctuation in Ireland’s cirque glaciers during the last deglaciation, Geological Society of America (GSA) Fall Meeting Oral Presentation.
Bentley, Callan, Barth, Aaron M. (2014), Telling the Story of the Canadian Rockies via Google Earth and GigaPan, Geological Society of America (GSA) Fall Meeting Oral Presentation.
Barth, Aaron M., Clark, Jorie (2014), Constraints on the Thickness of the Irish Ice Sheet and Implications for Paleoclimate from 10Be Dating of Irish Cirque Glacier Moraines, PALSEA 2014: Methodologies used to document palaeo sea level and ice-sheet extent and build sea level / ice sheet databases Poster Presentation.
Barth, Aaron M., Clark, Jorie, Clark, Peter U., McCabe, A. Marshall (2013), Surface exposure dates of cirque basin deglaciation along a western Ireland transect, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting Poster Presentation.
- Barth, A. M., Ceperley, E. G., Vavrus, C., Marcott, S. A., Shakun, J. D., Caffee, M. W., 2022. 10Be age control of glaciation in the Beartooth Mountains, USA from the latest Pleistocene through the Holocene. Geochronology Discussions.
- Hawkins, D. W., Barth, A. M., Lassetter, W. L., 2022. Geologic Map of Earth MRI Placer Project Areas One and Two, Virginia. Virginia Department of Energy, Geology and Mineral Resources Program, Open -file Report 2022-01, Plate 1.
- Hawkins, D. W., Barth, A. M., Lassetter, W. L., 2022. Geologic Map of Earth MRI Placer Project Areas Three and Four, Virginia. Virginia Department of Energy, Geology and Mineral Resources Program, Open -file Report 2022-01, Plate 2.
- Ceperley, E. G., Marcott, S. A., Reusche, M. M., Barth, A. M., Mix, A. C., Brook, E. J., Caffee, M. W., 2019. Widespread early Holocene deglaciation, Washington Land, northwest Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews.
- Barth, A. M., Marcott, S. A., Licciardi, J. M., Shakun, J. D., 2019. Deglacial thinning of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in the Adirondack Mountains, New York, USA from 36Cl exposure dating. Paleoceanography & Paleoclimatology,
- Barth, A. M., Clark, P. U., Bill, N. S., He, F., Pisias, N. G., 2018. Climate evolution across the Mid-Brunhes transition. Climate of the Past,
- Reusche, M. M., Marcott, S. A., Ceperley, E. G., Barth, A. M., Brook, E. J., Mix, A. C., Caffee, M. W., 2018. Latest Pleistocene to Late Holocene surface exposure ages from two marine terminating outlet glaciers from northwest Greenland. Geophysical Research Letters,
- Barth, A. M., Clark, P. U., Clark, J., Roe, G. H., Marcott, S. A., McCabe, A.M., Caffee, M., Cuzzone, J. K., He, F., Dunlop, P., 2018. Persistent millennial-scale glacier fluctuations in Ireland between 24 ka and 10 ka. Geology, doi:10.1130/G39796.1.
- Leydet, D., Carlson, A., Teller, J., Breckenridge, A., Barth, A. M., Ullman, D., Sinclair, G., Milne, G. Caffee, M., 2018. Eastward routing of glacial Lake Agassiz at the start of the Younger Dryas cold period. Geology, doi:10.1130/G39501.1.
- Balbas, A., Barth, A. M., Clark, P. U., Clark, J., Caffee, M., Baker, V. R., O’Conner, J. E., 2017. Cosmogenic nuclide chronology of Late Pleistocene Missoula Floods and Cordilleran Ice Sheet deglaciation. Geology, doi:10.1130/G38956.1
- Barth, A. M., Clark, P. U., Clark, J., McCabe, A. M., Caffee, M. W., 2016. Reply to comment received from J. C. Knight regarding "Last Glacial Maximum cirque glaciation in Ireland and implications for reconstructions of the Irish Ice Sheet" by Barth et al. (2016), Quaternary Science Reviews 141, 85-93. Quaternary Science Reviews, 10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.08.019
- Barth, A. M., Clark, Peter U., Clark, Jorie, McCabe, A. Marshall, Caffee, Marc, 2016. Last Glacial Maximum cirque glaciation in Ireland and implications for reconstructions of the Irish Ice Sheet. Quaternary Science Reviews, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.04.006.
Invited Seminars
Title, Group, Date, Location
2022: Temple University Geology Graduate Seminar invited speaker
2021: Rowan College of South Jersey - STEM Worldwide Classroom guest speaker
2019: Emory & Henry Lyceum - general audience talk about climate change impacts
2019: Invited guest speaker for the Geological Society of Washington in Washington D.C.
2018: Emory & Henry Lyceum - general audience talk about climate change
2017: Invited guest speaker to the University of Camerino, Italy
2014: Guest speaker to the James Madison University Geology Field Camp in County Mayo, Ireland
Conference Presentations
(organize by year)
Barth, Aaron M., Marcott, Shaun A., Licciardi, Joseph M., Shakun, Jeremy D. (2018) Deglacial thinning of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in the Adirondack Mountains, New York, revealed by 36Cl exposure dating, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting Poster Presentation.
Barth, Aaron M., Marcott, Shaun A., Horvath, Alex, Shaun, Jeremy D., Licciardi, Joseph M. (2017) Early deglacial thinning of the Laurentide ice sheet followed by rapid regional deglaciation, Geological Society of America (GSA) Fall Meeting Oral Presentation.
Barth, Aaron M., Clark, Peter U., Clark, Jorie, Marcott, Shaun A., McCabe, A. Marshall, Caffee, Marc W., Cuzzone, Joshua K., Dunlop, Paul (2017) Persistent millennial-scale cirque-glacier fluctuations in Ireland between 24,000 and 10,000 years ago. PAGES Open Science Meeting Oral Presentation.
Barth, Aaron M., Clark, Peter U., Bill, Nicholas S., He, Feng, Pisias, Nicklas G. (2017), Climate evolution across the Mid-Brunhes Transition, PAGES Young Scientists Meeting Poster Presentation.
Barth, Aaron M., Bill, Nicholas S., Clark, Peter U., Pisias, Nicklas G. (2015), Carbon isotopic excursions associated with the mid-Pleistocene Transition and the mid-Brunhes Transition, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting Poster Presentation.
Clark, Peter U., Barth, Aaron M., Pisias, Nicklas (2014), Climate Evolution Across the Mid-Brunhes Transition, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting Poster Presentation.
Barth, Aaron M., Clark, Jorie, Clark, Peter U., Caffee, Marc (2014), Millennial-scale fluctuation in Ireland’s cirque glaciers during the last deglaciation, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting Poster Presentation.
Barth, Aaron M., Clark, Jorie, Clark, Peter U., Caffee, Marc (2014), Millennial-scale fluctuation in Ireland’s cirque glaciers during the last deglaciation, Geological Society of America (GSA) Fall Meeting Oral Presentation.
Bentley, Callan, Barth, Aaron M. (2014), Telling the Story of the Canadian Rockies via Google Earth and GigaPan, Geological Society of America (GSA) Fall Meeting Oral Presentation.
Barth, Aaron M., Clark, Jorie (2014), Constraints on the Thickness of the Irish Ice Sheet and Implications for Paleoclimate from 10Be Dating of Irish Cirque Glacier Moraines, PALSEA 2014: Methodologies used to document palaeo sea level and ice-sheet extent and build sea level / ice sheet databases Poster Presentation.
Barth, Aaron M., Clark, Jorie, Clark, Peter U., McCabe, A. Marshall (2013), Surface exposure dates of cirque basin deglaciation along a western Ireland transect, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting Poster Presentation.